Reflection thought: We are almost there, my dear friends! We've almost completed the book of Jeremiah! Way to go! Today's words that must struck me: "Rest and be still!" I pray you feel the nearness of God throughout the Holy Week ahead.
Yes, this coming week is so powerful and redeeming for the Christian. I think of Jesus sweating drops of blood in the garden, his scourging and mockery, having the crown of thorns shoved into his head, and then having to go through the pain of crucifixion. He did it for me, and I am so overwhelmed and humbled by his wonderful, redemptive love. Having a son the same age as Jesus was when he died, I can't imagine the anguish in Mary's heart to see her son suffer so.
Yes, this coming week is so powerful and redeeming for the Christian. I think of Jesus sweating drops of blood in the garden, his scourging and mockery, having the crown of thorns shoved into his head, and then having to go through the pain of crucifixion. He did it for me, and I am so overwhelmed and humbled by his wonderful, redemptive love. Having a son the same age as Jesus was when he died, I can't imagine the anguish in Mary's heart to see her son suffer so.