Monday, March 11, 2013

Day #27 {Monday}

Reflection question:

- I love verse 22: And you shall be my people, and I will be your God.
Why do you think God shifts toward a message of restoration instead of judgment?  


  1. The verses that stood out to me as I read this chapter are vers 11, "I am with you and will save you, declares the Lord.....I will discipline you but only with justice." I like that God sets limits for us as his people. Any relationship has limits or it is destroyed. I too line verse 22. What affirmation that we are God's people. Verse 24 also struck me as a clue to why God has been so down on the people. "The fierce anger of the Lord will not turn back until he fully accomplishes the purposes of his heart." To bring us home to him.

  2. I am not sure why God has switched from judgment to restoration. I can only surmise that he felt that some of the people were redeemable and would become obedience as a new covenant and relationship were established. It reminds me that God's timing is perfect, and I have to trust that,even when the timeline of events doesn't make sense to me, I also like vs 22 and have it underlined in my bible, Aren't we privileged to be called God's people?

  3. Two things stood out to me. First, God telling to write his words in the form of a letter, perhaps to let those he restores and that will come in the future of what may happen should the path of God not be followed. Secondly, in shifting to words of restoring the people versus judgment, God provides people hope even though they may have sinned or may be facing difficult times especially at the hands of others. If a person puts their faith in and believes in God, He will stand by you.


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