Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day #26 {Sunday}

Reflection question:

-There are words of hope and encouragement in this chapter.
Having read more of the full context of Jeremiah,what do these verses mean to you now?

PS: Here's a helpful timeline I found for Jeremiah.


  1. The people receiving this message had been sent into exile, but for them these words would bring hope of return even though difficulties may still lie ahead. This is not the case for those that did not listen to God and instead have taken the false prophesies to heart. "Plans to prosper, and not to harm" offers hope even today as we all are presented with many obstacles and difficulties in our lives. If we can somehow get beyond our struggles and see they are not supposed to harm but are actually designed to create us into stronger individuals, there is nothing that we can't get through with God's help.

  2. Awww, sweet hope. Since hope is my favorite word, it was encouraging to see that the meaning of hope was as applicable back then as it is today. Even though the exiles could have felt abandoned, God promised them a hope and a future and plans to prosper them and not harm them. Still today, God wants a personal, intimate relationship with us--- he knows our future. He gives us purpose and guidance. I feel so blessed to be able to approach the throne of God with confidence. He is so interested in my future and has the plans all laid out to fulfill that mission. Since he provides for the future I want to follow him and honor him by humbling myself and being obedient. Some days I do a better job than others.

  3. So it is 30 something years since the begining of this our reading. Wow! I am not sure I could keep on with the message for that many years if all were against me and not listening at all. Jeremiah must surely have had God helping him to keep going. This chapter has my favorite verse. The one in the picture above. What words for difficult times in our lives. "Hope and future".


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