Saturday, March 9, 2013

Day #25 {Saturday}

-The prophet Hananiah is apparently a false prophet.
He leads the people astray.  And he led them to trust in a lie.

Reflection question:

-How is this journey with Jeremiah going for you?  We are now quite a ways in!  And we have about 3 more weeks to go.


  1. Some of Jeremiah is still difficult to understand and comprehend, but I am working my way through and am asking myself questions in which I may or may not receive answers. I feel the plot thickening as in any good story and am anxious to see how Jeremiah ends. I am at a point now where I can see how God does not want but feels it is necessary to destroy all that have strayed from his path even though it the beginning such an idea made me question if God was the God we have believed in for so many years.

  2. I am thankful for structured bible study, such as this, my weekly ladies study group and adult Sunday school. Because I have these opportunities, I am stretched to not always go for the Psalms or New Testament, but to pursue some of the OT more completely. Jeremiah is definitely not an easy book to read. Thank you, Emily, for preparing this study and posting thought provoking questions.

  3. I am finding Jeremiah a hard book to read. It isnot what I expected. I have always clung to Chapter 29:11 in the difficult times in my life. I thought the whole book would be more like that. But no... it is building to something, but a picture of God that I am not used to. I have a hard time sorting out a time line. How long has it been since the begining chapters to now in Chapter 28? I so appreciate the insites of Emily, Amy and Annie.


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