Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Day #43 {Wednesday}

Reflection question: Oh my!  Some of the verses of this chapter were just awful.  There was one that I liked. Verse 8: Bring balm for her wound; perhaps she may be healed. 

We have one chapter left to go, dear friends!

I am so excited for Maundy Thursday worship tomorrow night.  

What part of Holy Week is most meaningful to you?  


  1. A very long chapter, lots of vengance. Is God a vengful God or is that just the way that the people of the time could understand him? Was part of the vengance a parent protecting his children? I am struggling to make sence of this. We definatly need to read a gosple after Easter. I have a hard time picking one part of holy week as most meaningful. The whole week is a package and if you just pick one you miss so much of the meaning of the whole week.

  2. Yes, these chapters are full of despondency. I am so thankful this is not the end of the story, as we know we have victory in Christ. For me, this week is a wonderful time, as it is springtime, new beginnings, but most importantly Easter. A holiday that we don't have to do alot of preparation for as far as gifts, cards, shopping like at Christmas, The main preparation is preparing our hearts, I find Good Friday service meaningful-- the old rugged, splintered cross is set forth in front and during the service we have a personal time of reflection silently. We then take a paper that we have written a sin, or a burden that we are holding onto, or an act of unforgiveness, and in the quietness of that time, we go up front as we wish, and there are nails in the cross and we nail our paper to the cross, We are then signifying we are letting it go, knowing Christ covered it was his death on the cross, Communion is often celebrated also, And then the beauty and joy of Easter and the empty tomb that is up by the alter is quite moving, along with the words to the Easter hymns.


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