Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day #44 {Thursday}

Dear friends in faith, we made it to the Jeremiah finish line!
We read this whole book together!  Thank you for joining together on this Lenten journey.

Reflection question: 

-Please share one thing you learned about the Bible, God, or yourself during this Lenten adventure through the book of Jeremiah.  


  1. What have I learned. That is a hard question. I learned that even though my favorite verse is in Jeremiah 29:11, most of this book is a very down book. Lots of anger, vengance and destruction. But the hope is still there. God keeps his covenant to save the people if they repent and are truely sorry for their sins. I am not sad this is ending, but I am glad that I did it. I also learned that I have the dicipline to do a daily bible study. Thanks to all who joined, your comments were very inciteful and helpful. God bless you. May you have a blessed holy week and an awsome Easter morning.

  2. I have learned that God demands obedience, and even though destruction was delivered to the people, they brought it on themselves due to their turning their backs on God's words and warnings through Jeremiah. I learned that Jeremiah was faithful to God and did not back down to the people. He was not popular with the peope or that culture as he delivered words and advice they did not want to hear. However, he was successful in God's eyes. It reminds me to not follow the secular opinion just because it is popular but to follow Christ even if I have to stand alone on my convictions. Lastly, God knew we desperately needed a Redeemer and he had it all orchestrated that Christ would be the sin offering for us. Happy Easter, all. HE HAS. RISEN, INDEED.

  3. I will admit that until devoting myself to the daily chapters in Jeremiah, I did not find myself looking to the bible for reading. I was going to let others teach me the stories it had to tell even though I know that it can also provide comfort in times of despair. I looked forward to the daily readings and reflection questions that I did not always post answers, but I did find myself contemplating them. I did find the book of Jeremiah a difficult one to sometimes understand, especially since it is the first book I have actually fully read, as Jeremiah presents a God not typical of how we have come to know him and in trying to keep the who's who straight. My hope is that I will continue on my own to read further books within the bible since our online Jeremiah readings have come to an end. I may, however, try to pick an easier book to start with. Thank you all for journeying with me.


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