Friday, February 22, 2013

Day #10 {Friday}

Reflection Questions:

#1:  The beginning of this chapter contains God's words.  Then, starting at verse 6, we hear words of praise from Jeremiah.  Which verses did you like?  I like 10:16: "He is the Maker of all things."

#2:  Jeremiah's prayer in verse 24 is interesting, too, "Correct me, Lord, but only with justice - not in your anger, lest you reduce me to nothing."  Any thoughts on that?

Thank you for continuing this journey together!


  1. I like Jeremiah's words of praise. Verse 10 "The Lord is the true God; he is the living God". And in verse 16 "He is the maker of all things, including" me. ABout verse 24. At times it seems as though God doesn't treat us with justice. What did we do to deserve divorce, illness, death? But I think it is the world not God that is injust.

  2. I found verses 14-16 interesting. Today, so many of us have objects or idols that we put our faith in or hold in high regard. We may feel the need to look or to act a certain way or may desire to possess certain things for "status" because of the idols we look to be like. However, just as the scripture states, these idols are false and can be deceiving falling away (being breathless and perishing) in an instant. Instead, we should look to God as the one we hold near and dear as He will never fail us and will always be there if we let him.

    Jeremiah states mortals cannot control the steps they take. Jeremiah, as a mortal, I feel realizes that he may not have always followed God's way which Jeremiah is ready to receive punishment fit to his sins but not unjust.

  3. I like vs 12 : God made the earth by his power, he founded the world by his wisdom and stretched out the heavens by his understanding. One of the many references in the bible of God being the Creator. I think that Jeremiah in vs 24 is wanting to be corrected but he is asking God to do it justly as he knows that God is all powerful and he doesn't want God to use his power in anger. I know that God disciplines/corrects his children fairly in all situations if we trust him. When we go through rebuking, it might not seem fair, but when we look back on it, we know that God was just and fair in his dealing with us because he is perfect and doesn't make mistakes.


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