Saturday, February 23, 2013

Day #11 {Saturday}

Reflection Questions:

#1: In verse 4 of this chapter, God says, "Listen to my voice."  Where do you find it easiest to listen?

#2:  What do you think it would have been like to walk in Jeremiah's shoes? He had a very challenging assignment - to share such difficult words with the people.  And his life was being threatened, too!

Thank you for continuing our journey together!
You are appreciated.


  1. I have to admit I find it very difficult to listen when I feel I have so much else on my mind, and I cannot tell you when I find it easiest to listen. Often times, "listening" just happens when I least expect it. A sense of peace and relief sudddenly flows into me often settling the many thoughts or emotions I may be conflicted with at the time. Sometimes the thoughts pertain to important decisions or sometimes it is a feeling of sadness and hurt that seems to ease away as I begin to understand why or what path God wants me to take.

    The path anyone takes that is against the norm, like Jeremiah has been doing, is a difficult thing to do especially when threatened. I'm sure it was even harder in Jeremiah's time than it is today. I am certain I would feel more fear expressing my thoughts back then than I do today as a lot of people today are at least understanding enough to realize people have the right to differing opinions even though they may not agree with them.

  2. I think God'e voice can be heard in a variety of places---church, walks, our jobs, and just when we are silent. It is so easy to have an unquiet mind, and I think God wants us to quiet our minds and spend time with him,

    Jeremiah was following God's leading and prompting. I think of people today who are martyred because of their convictions. I think of those who stand for what is right based on scripture and don't waver just to be accepted by others. I think today it is easy to "water down" God's word and ignore what we don't want to hear because it makes us uncomfortable. It means often times that we have to change our lifestyle or address sin in our lives so we brush the warnings off. We also can be afraid to speak up because we don't want to offend somebody else.


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