Friday, September 6, 2013

John, Chapter 20

Reflection question: In this one chapter are two of my favorite people in the New Testament: Mary Magdalene and Thomas. What do you find most interesting/compelling about their stories?

Why does Jesus come back with wounds? (There are many theories on this.) 

1 comment:

  1. I have never thought much about Mary, but in many ways her story is similar to Thomas's. They both had to see to beleive. I find their stories compelling because I can see that being me. I like to see things before I believe. But I see things every day that show me that God is in our world and that he loves me. The wonders of nature and the many times that God is with me in situations at work. This week I had to remove a patients rings before surgery and in doing that realized that she was very anxious. I just said to her, "I will pray for you". I feel that God put me there for her that day. Why does Jesus come back with wounds? I think it is just to show those he showed himself to that it was indeed him. Almost done with John. then where will we go in this journey?


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