Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Mark, Chapter 13

Reflection Question: 

This particular chapter of the Bible is sometimes called the "Little Apocalypse." It contains some similarities to the book of Revelation. This type of writing sometimes seems frightening to modern-day readers, but it was actually meant to encourage the group to which it was first addressed.  

My Study Bible says, "It urges steadfastness in the face of persecution, assures the reader of heavenly control over what appears to be a chaotic world, and offers the promise that, with the momentous entry of the divine into human history, the righteous will be rewarded and the wicked punished."

Which parts of this chapter made you feel interested?  And confused?


  1. I can see why this book is called the "Little Apocalypse" with all the destruction that is going to take place. I think it is so interesting that the Book of Mark is so close to the Book of Revelation. They are almost identical. I find it interesting that God is the only one who knows when the end is coming. The way it is described as to the Coming of the Son of Man is kind of scary. It's very descriptive and to the point. Does anyone know why Jesus warns against thinking either that the end is coming very soon, or at some very distant time? My confusion comes from the " Desolating Sacrilege." What does it mean? According to my study Bible, it refers to the destruction of the temple in 70 c.e. What does that temple have to do with anything?

  2. I was interested in the first verse when they are talking aboaut the temple and how it is "massive" What fortitude it took to build it in the first place. But then Jesus says that it will come down. What power to make that happen. But is he talking about the physical temple or his three days of the passion. This is a confusing chapter for me just like Revelations is. I understand that Jesus is telling us to be ready for the end time all the time. What I don't get is that the wars, earthquakes, and other natural disasters that he says are signs of the end are happening all the time. Maybe Jesus just wants us to know that he is always watching us and loves us enough to want us home with him.

  3. Emily, thanks for the pictures. I love them.


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