There are clues to why Jesus washes the diciples feet. Verse 1, "He now showed them the full extent of his love." v. 16, "No servant is greater than his master." Jesus was giving them and us an expamle of selfless service and humility. He loved the disciples and he wanted them to know how to go on after he left them. So he shows them this example of service to others and that no one is better than anyone else. It might also be a symbol of cleansing from sin. Washing away our sins. What does this mean for us? Jesus loves us and wants us to live lives of service to others. He also loves us so much that he died for our sins.
There are clues to why Jesus washes the diciples feet. Verse 1, "He now showed them the full extent of his love." v. 16, "No servant is greater than his master." Jesus was giving them and us an expamle of selfless service and humility. He loved the disciples and he wanted them to know how to go on after he left them. So he shows them this example of service to others and that no one is better than anyone else. It might also be a symbol of cleansing from sin. Washing away our sins. What does this mean for us? Jesus loves us and wants us to live lives of service to others. He also loves us so much that he died for our sins.