Monday, March 18, 2013

Day #34 {Monday}

Reflection question:

-How would you describe King Zedekiah and his relationship with Jeremiah?


  1. Zedekiah seems to be listening to Jeremiah in this chapter and even seems to feel that he is a true prophet. In verse 3 he asks Jeremiah to pray for the people of Judah. It is like Zedekiah beleives Jeremiah but can't admit that he does to the people who are against Jeremiah. So while he leaves him in prision it is a better prision and safer for Jeremiah.

  2. In verses 2-3, King Zedekiah paid no attention to Jeremiah's words, yet he coveted prayers on his behalf, saying "Please pray to the Lord our God for us.". I get the impression he wanted to be blessed but on his terms and he didn't desire a personal relationship with God. In vs 17, King Zedekiah brought Jeremiah secretly to the palace so he wouldn't be caught publicly talking to Jeremiah but he still wanted to know if there was any word from God. I am wondering if he was using Jeremiah for his own benefit.


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