Thursday, March 14, 2013

Day #30 {Thursday}

Reflection question: 

-God says in verse 26 that he will have mercy upon the people.
What does mercy feel like?


  1. My version uses the word "compassion". Mercy or compassion feels like love, warm, comforting, supportive. I love that God keeps talking to Jeremiah. It makes me know that God talks to me all the time. I just need to listen. It is hard to find quiet time to listen what God is trying to tell me sometimes. It is hard to know if it is God talking to me or what I want. How do I tell the difference?

  2. I think the gift of mercy is very humbling. I am in awe of God's mercy-- in other words, I am guilty but he withholds the punishment or discipline I deserve. Wow. Then I am reminded of grace--- the gift he gives me in spite of being guilty. He took my guilt on that old rugged cross and showered me with mercy and grace. I think it is very freeing but I also don't want to forget that Christ paid a huge price for me to receive those gifts.


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