Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day #7 {Tuesday}

Reflection Questions:

-In verse 3, God says, "Let me dwell with you here in this place"  In verse 5-6, God says that God will dwell with the people if they really start to take social justice and love of neighbor seriously.  In what ways do you live out the call God has give you to love and care for others - especially those in need?  How does our congregation do this?

-Verses 22 and 23 remind the people that God is more interested in building a real relationship with them than receiving their empty burnt offerings.   What does God want most from us today (in your opinion)?


  1. I see a little more hope in this chapter. My version says in verse 3 "I will let you live in this place". Verse 13 caught my attention. God spoke and I did not listen, God called and I did not answer. So how do I answer Gods call. I try to do it everyday in my work and home by treating others with respect, showing them that God is in my life. Today we had a very serious situation with a patient and I prayed in the OR, not out loud, but others knew I was doing it. Our congregation lives out the call by out outreach programs, such as the school bags that we are making, the birthday parties at the nursing home, mission quilters, and many other ways. I like verses 23-23. They show me that God does want a relationship with me. But I do have some responsibilites too. I need to obey him, and walk in his ways. But there is still alot of the wrath of God showing too.

  2. The theme I am seeing is the disobedience of people to God's plan. True back then and true in today's society. It is easy to attend church, Sunday school, take communion and do all the relgious stuff that make us look good on the outside, but if we don't have a personal relationship with the Lord and do all these things for His glory, then these are all empty exercises in futility. I must want to do them to bring honor to the Lord, rather than do them as a chore. I enjoy doing random acts of kindness -- sometimes it is easy to get in the mind set that if we don't do something great or
    dramatic, then it is not beneficial. I admire those who can get out of their comfort zone and go to poverty
    nations and live among the natives to build relationships
    and share Christ. But I don't have that calling and
    instead feel that God has called me to try to make my
    little corner of the world in Stewartville a little better


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