Sunday, February 17, 2013

Day #5 {Sunday}

Personal Reflection:
As I read today's chapter, I thought of Jesus' words as he approached the cross, "Father, forgive them; for they don't know what they do (Luke 23:34)."  We read Jeremiah knowing that we DO have the eternal gift of forgiveness.  Knowing that we do have this eternal gift of God's great love for us, it's interesting to reflect back on what life was like before Jesus lived, died, and rose again.

Reflection Questions:

1.  In verse 14, God tells Jeremiah that his words will be like fire.
Have you ever heard someone speak with such passion and excitement,
that it really lit a fire in your heart, too?  Or perhaps in a book or poem?  

2.  In the time of Jeremiah, people understood the world through a lens of sin and then retribution.  People committed crimes and then were punished.  Jesus often invited people to see the world less through retribution (an eye for an eye) and more through restoration (healing, rehabilitation, grace).  In what areas of life are we more likely to hear a message of retribution?  And in what areas are we more likely to hear a message of restoration?


  1. I think a work place is more a place of retribution. Things are very black and white. You break this rule and there is this consequence, same rule for everyone. Restoration is seen in personal family relationships, where ther is forgiveness, help and each situation has its own special considerations.

  2. I think in secular arenas, there is often the view of retribution as we want to "get even" or get our due. Jealously can prevail and we lash out. We love to judge. If we are obedient to Christ, we will practice a lifestyle of grace, even in the midst of hurt, unfairness, and being wronged. Loving somebody who hurts us is one of the most difficult things--however, it makes it easier when we realize we have been forgiven much, even when we hurt Jesus with our disobedience. He disciplines us, as a loving parent disciplines a child, but it is for our welfare, and it is done in love and not for revenge. Love trumps all.

  3. I agree with Deb and Carol where work and secular areas are more about retrubution and the Church and family are more about restoration. Jeremiah is certainly about retribution so far. I am sure glad that Christ came and we now have a relationship that is about restoration.

  4. I often find the most passion & "fire" coming from insightful lyrics in songs with a good message. I think the slightly ambitious meaning behind lyrics and the irresistible rhythm attached to them can make a connection in our hearts & minds that really stirs us up.

    I think I am more likely to use a theme of retribution when I de-personalize things that that I see. This is really easy for me to do in the age of 24 hour news and a busy schedule. On the other hand, I am much more understanding and willing to embrace the idea of restoration when I take the time to understand the topic or person more deeply.


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